Best Practices With PEAR Cache Lite

Caching a website using PEAR Cache Lite has many benefits – it will speed up your site and is very simple to implement. However, there are several common pitfalls they could cause potential issues on a website. Basically, you can’t approach caching from a single angle, as the type of caching used is always project/problem specific.

Full File Level Caching

Full file caching is the simplist method and essentially takes an image of the page at a particular time. This method is very fast to implement but does have it’s downsides. As you are storing a static file of the page you’ll instantly notice the following issues (I’ve included some typical examples you’ll run into):

  • Any elements of your page that require session data will fail to work (you’ve essentially cached the session id too!)
  • If the page needs to be served using a particular header you’ll be out of luck, as a statiuc file will always be served using a plain text header (E.g. a cached rss feed won’t validate as the header has changed)
  • Clearing the cache becomes very clumsey as the whole cache requires cleaning when even a small change is made (E.g. say a new article is added by the admin)
  • User logins that make use of session data
  • E-Commerce sites and a shopping basket summary
  • Search results pages

With full file caching dynamic content will always be a issue. However, full file caching CAN help high traffic sites, even when a short cache lifetime is set – use with caution!

Block Level or Partial File Caching

Block level caching is likely to be a much longer term caching solution. It is more likely that you’ll have certain sections of a site that do not require an up to date minute. For example, say we have an ecommerce store with dropdown menu that list our full category structure from a database – this is likely to be highly database intensive and may use recursion. This output can be cached to a flat file as follows:

$options = array(
    'cacheDir' => '/cached/',
    'lifeTime' => 1000

$cache = new Cache_Lite_Output($options);

if (!$cache->start('left_category_structure')) {

This is much better than full file caching for several reasons:

  • The page in question can remain dynamic dynamic elements such as the user’s login status on another part of the page
  • If a change is made to the category structure I can delete that particular section of the cache only (the rest of the cache does not require regenerating!)
  • The cache lifetime can be set on a per block basis – useful for different types of content
  • Even if the category structure doesn’t change often, the block could still be cache forever (set cacheLifeTime to null in the options array) and cleaned when a change is made

Taking Partial Caching Further

PEAR Cache_LIte is also fairly flexible and you can make it fit your needs. For example, say we wanted to cache 10 random articles on a website – which consists of a database query that fetches 10 random articles from a database. The idea here is to still cache the content in a block as above. However, for this our system would create a number of cache blocks and then service those cached blocks to the user. The solution is a simple one, building on the example from above:

$options = array(
    'cacheDir' => '/cached/',
    'lifeTime' => 1000

$cache = new Cache_Lite_Output($options);

if (!$cache->start( 'left_category_structure . rand(1,5))) {

When the user requests a page, 5 different cache blocks will be checked – we are essentially creating 5 different versions of the random cached content.

Published by

Rob Allport

Web Developer based in Stoke-on-Trent Staffordshire Google+ - Twitter

4 thoughts on “Best Practices With PEAR Cache Lite”

  1. Remember theres also more readily available caching tools such as APC and Memcache, both can be used in tandem to reuse PHP and MySQL results to give your server a rest.

    Also, you can minify your Javascript and set long expiry dates on your images to save some bandwidth followed by enabling GZIP compression. – To test page loads and get some handy tips whilst you are at it.

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