Further to my article on using JQuery to dynamically append form elements, I have come across situations where multiple items should be appended to the form each time, as opposed to a single input in my article (I did this simplicity). For example, at work I’m currently working on an internal system whereby a user needs to add an unlimited amount of client contacts for a client. Pressing the ‘add contact’ link will append 3 fields – one for conatct name, contact telephone and contact email. Each of these fields are named exactly the same way as before (using square brackets at the end of the name E.g. ‘name[]’) and appended the same way using JQuery.
There are lots of articles floating about explaing how to add fields, but I’ve not yet seen anything explaining how to retreive multiple elements like this.
The only differnce arises when retreiving these multiple values from the PHP’s POST array. In the example I have appended 3 inputs, named cname[], cemail[] and ctel[]. The values of each can be retreived using a slightly enchanced for loop:
if (isset($_POST['cname'])) { for ( $i=0;$i<count($_POST['cname']);$i++) { $contactname = $_POST['cname'][$i]; $conatctemail = $_POST['cemail'][$i]; $contacttel = $_POST['ctel'][$i]; } }
That’s really all there is to it and I’m finding that the latter comes in useful quit regularly in every day projects.